KID’S BOOK SERIES: national health superheroes
During lockdown, a triple heart bypass and a period of unemployment gave me the chance to write the first in a series of kid’s books (I’ve wanted to write kid’s books since I was a kid!).
A mentor of mine, Pete Cain, called me one day in February. The conversation went something like this:
Pete: Allo Pops. I’ve just had a triple heart bypass…
Me: Sorry, what?! Are you alright?! I…
Pete: Yeah, yeah, yeah, never mind that. The point is, this woman came to take my blood and her name was Mary Flood. I reckon there’s a kid’s book in that. You wanna write it?
Me: Yeah, alright!
And so I went away, scribbled and scratched my head till I figured out how to turn that into a book — and all of a sudden it was a series.